The posts on our blog are organized by labels - and "
maintenance" is still the most frequent one, followed by "
sailing". With gigabytes of unprocessed photos and videos from some amazing islands, we are hoping that eventually a new label - "
places" - will win the upper hand. After all, yachting has been described as "fixing the boat in some exotic locations".

As a small foretaste, I have managed to upload some photos from Boa Vista - one of the islands we visited while exploring the Cape Verde islands. To the restless, a rented scooter offers a Wild West feel. Upon leaving behind the capital, Sal Rei (a typical mix of the beach-side surf schools, souvenir shops and poor WiFi, and beyond - Brakka, a slum with its own mix of cultures, religions and music, a place to have a beer and play table football and to witness a unique Sufi service - combining Islam with traditional African music and tribal rites - in the same evening), the road shows the islands contrasting nature - changing from Autobahn quality to Portugese cobble stone road to dirt track and back repeatedly.